Elakkizhi, also known as Patra Pinda Swedam, Patra Pinda Swedana is a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment involving the application of warm herbal leaves and other natural ingredients wrapped in a cloth bundle, known as a bolus, to the body.Patra Pottali Pinda Sweda comes under the Sankara Sweda its Ushna Guna which ultimately stimulates sympathetic nervous system and enhances vasodilatation. The effect of Sara & Sukshama Guna of Swedana Dravya liquefied Doshas which further excrete out through micropores presenting over the skin. Patra means leaves of medical plants amd pind means a bolus, sweda means formentation or sudation .This traditional therapy is designed to relieve pain, reduce inflammation,Vata-based disorders,Enhances Circulation and improve overall musculoskeletal Health.The Indication of Patra Pottali Sweda is in Upstambhita ,Vata Vyadhi,Sandhigatavatam, Katigraha, Manyastambha, Stambha and Shotha .Patra Pinda Swedana, also known as Patra Pottali Sweda, combines the healing properties of herbal leaves with the soothing effects of heat therapy.This procedure is unique, which comprises both snehana and swedana. Patra Pottali is done when Vata and Kapha dosha are vitiated. Warm boluses are gently applied in a synchronized manner by two therapists positioned in each side of the patient for a duration of 30 - 45 mint.