In Ayurveda, Panchkarma therapy is used for the maintenance of health and eradication of diseases from their root and Nasya Karma is one among them. In this therapy, the medicine is administered through nose either in the form of ghee, oil, powder, liquid or smoke.It mainly cleans the ‘kapha’ dosha from the upper body. It is particularly useful in the treatment of diseases occurring in the organs situated above the clavicle but indirectly it works on the whole body by improving the functioning of the endocrine glands and nervous system. Nasa is said to be the main doorway to Shiras. Nasyaaushadhi reaches to brain via nasal route and acts on higher centers of brain controlling different neurological, endocrinal and circulatory functions and thus showing local as well as systemic effects. This administration of drugs through nasal route opens a new hope for the both local and systemic drug administration. Nasal route drug administration is a promising alternative route of drug administration for local, systemic and central nervous system action.
Effectively treats headaches, migraine, and conditions like cervical spondylosis.
Strengthens the immune system and the sense organs.
Stimulates the centers of the brain that regulate emotions and relieves stress.
Improves skin complexion, hair health, and texture, and prevents premature greying.
Nasyam benefits brain function and may help in the management of paralysis.
Helps in the treatment of disorders that occur with age like muscle and joint pain.
Enhances the sense organs’ activity and protects the individual from brain diseases.
Smoothens nasal passage and treats nasal allergies and polyps.
Removes toxins from the head and neck area.
Prevents goiter, tonsillitis, and motor disorders.
Alleviates chronic pain.
Cures insomnia.
Prevents aging and thereby graying of hair.
Relieves from pain in the ear, head, and throat.
Relieves tension from the neck and shoulder region.
Relieves from toothache and other dental problems.
Other conditions that Nasyam therapy helps with include hemiplegia, paraplegia, diseases of the eyelid, Multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.
Precautions for Nasyam
* There should be a gap of at least 1 to 2 hours between meals and nasal therapy
* Avoid the intake of water, food or fruits for at least 30 minutes post nasal therapy
* Avoid drinking or eating cold beverages and food. Preferences are towards a light warm drink like a herbal tea, soups etc.
* No exposure to cold environments
* No physical exertion or exhausting activities such as dynamic Yoga, swimming, gym etc.
* Avoid overhead shower
* Nasyam is best avoided during pregnancy or menstruation.